Updates from Pace’s Pleasantville Garden

June 1, 2021

Environmental Studies student Lucas Andujar and professors Jane Collins and Kate Fink joined Angelo Spillo to officially start harvesting vegetables from the garden, including radishes, lettuce, and bok choy. The current focus is on reducing weeding by mulching and to get any remaining transplants into the ground.

May 15, 2021

Volunteers have been busy getting Pace University’s Pleasantville garden ready for the season. Led by Professors Angelo Spillo and Shobana Musti, students from the Environmental Studies and MS in Nutrition and Dietetics programs at Pace helped move plants out of pots and into the garden.

The focus last week was to transplant lettuce, spinach, beans, squash, melons, beets, cucumbers, and a few others. So far, the garden is doing well despite the late start.

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