Professors’ Paper Published in Ambio

Professors’ Paper Published in Ambio

Assistant Professors Anne Toomey, PhD, Matthew Aiello-Lammens, PhD, and colleagues from Lancaster University, the Bolivian Collection of Flora and Fauna, and the Wildlife Conservation Society, co-authored a paper that was recently published in Ambio about low dissemination rates among scientists and why local knowledge exchange is so important for conservation.

Food Across Borders

Food Across Borders

ESS Professor E. Melanie DuPuis, PhD, contributed to and co-edited the book, “Food Across Borders,” about geopolitics and food.

Listen on JPR: Cougars As Ecosystem Engineers

Listen on JPR: Cougars As Ecosystem Engineers

New research from Panthera shows the role pumas play as ‘ecosystem engineers.’ Listen to this interview with Panthera Puma Program Director Dr. Mark Elbroch and Pace University MS in Environmental Science graduate student Josh Barry ’19.