News From the Environmental Studies and Science Department

ESS Student-Led Paper Gets Published

ESS Student-Led Paper Gets Published

Tatyana Graham ’22, BA in Environmental Science, Brielle Manzolillo ’17, BA in Environmental Studies and Nadya Hall ’18, MA in Environmental Policy, recently had their research published in Cities and the Environment, an academic journal focused on the ecology of urban communities.

Research: From Community Science to a Connected Harbor

Research: From Community Science to a Connected Harbor

Assistant Professor Anne Toomey, PhD, and her research assistants are engaging teachers and community scientists to understand the link between city-dwellers and environmental education in New York City.

Pace Policy Grad Working for Senator Charles Schumer

Pace Policy Grad Working for Senator Charles Schumer

Nicole Virgona ’18, MA in Environmental Policy, is working as the regional deputy director of Senator Charles Schumer’s (D-NY) Hudson Valley office, sustaining the MA in Environmental Policy program’s 100 percent post-grad employment rate.

Pace’s Bee Campus

Pace’s Bee Campus

Pace University’s Pleasantville campus has become certified as an affiliate of the Bee Campus USA program, joining 90 other campuses around the country. This designation was awarded based on Pace’s commitment to creating a sustainable habitat for pollinators.

Are Coyotes “Natural”?

Are Coyotes “Natural”?

Assistant Professor Anne Toomey, PhD, and Environmental Science student Tatyana Graham ’22, presented a talk entitled, “Are Coyotes “Natural”? Perceptions of Coyotes in New York City” at the 19th Northeast Natural History Conference (NENHC) on April 14 in Springfield, MA.

Professor Presents at Citizen Science Association Conference

Professor Presents at Citizen Science Association Conference

Assistant Professor Anne Toomey, PhD, and Tanasia Swift, the Community Reefs Regional Manager at Billion Oyster Project, presented a talk together at the Citizen Science Association Conference in Raleigh, NC. Their talk discussed the social-cultural dynamics of two Brooklyn communities – Coney Island and Canarsie – and the role of community science in bringing New Yorkers closer to their waterfront.

Professors’ Paper Published in Ambio

Professors’ Paper Published in Ambio

Assistant Professors Anne Toomey, PhD, Matthew Aiello-Lammens, PhD, and colleagues from Lancaster University, the Bolivian Collection of Flora and Fauna, and the Wildlife Conservation Society, co-authored a paper that was recently published in Ambio about low dissemination rates among scientists and why local knowledge exchange is so important for conservation.

Food Across Borders

Food Across Borders

ESS Professor E. Melanie DuPuis, PhD, contributed to and co-edited the book, “Food Across Borders,” about geopolitics and food.

Listen on JPR: Cougars As Ecosystem Engineers

Listen on JPR: Cougars As Ecosystem Engineers

New research from Panthera shows the role pumas play as ‘ecosystem engineers.’ Listen to this interview with Panthera Puma Program Director Dr. Mark Elbroch and Pace University MS in Environmental Science graduate student Josh Barry ’19.

Read on Panthera: Fab Four: Beetles, Big Cats, Bears and Biodiversity

Read on Panthera: Fab Four: Beetles, Big Cats, Bears and Biodiversity

Joshua Barry ’19, has recently published a paper entitled, “Pumas as ecosystem engineers: ungulate carcasses support beetle assemblages in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem“, co-authored with fellow Pace student Anna Kusler ’18, and Pace faculty members Matthew Aiello-Lammens, PhD, and Melissa Grigione, PhD. Joshua wrote a blog post discussing the paper originally published in Oecologia in which the authors highlight the ecosystem engineering role of pumas for beetle communities.

The Story of a Lit Review

The Story of a Lit Review

One of the major struggles in undergraduate research involves mentoring a student through an adequate lit review. I want to tell a story about a lit review gone right.

Decoding the Weather Machine

Decoding the Weather Machine

In an event co-hosted with the NYC Environmental Justice Alliance, Pace hosted accomplished panelists Ryan Chavez of Uprose, Danny Peralta of The Point CDC, Leslie Velasquez of El Puente, and Anne Toomey, PhD, to discuss how a changing climate is impacting New York City’s most vulnerable residents and some of the actions their organizations are taking to fight this impact.

Zero-Waste Project

Zero-Waste Project

My summer research, supervised by Dr. DuPuis, was focused on the state of food waste management in urban and suburban areas. The goal is to identify the barriers to properly managing food waste and achieving zero-waste goals. We identified the main players in food waste collection, food waste recycling (composting), and some sources of food waste production.

How Do Bronx Residents View Their Natural Surroundings?

How Do Bronx Residents View Their Natural Surroundings?

This summer, I worked on a project entitled “How Do Bronx Residents View Their Natural Surroundings?” with Dr. Toomey. My goal was to gain further insight into how Bronx residents view their urban surroundings in terms of nature and wildlife through park surveys and interviews.

The Impact of Agriculture on Water Quality in Southern Trinidad

The Impact of Agriculture on Water Quality in Southern Trinidad

From June 10th – July 30th, I conducted field work in Southern Trinidad to find out the impact of agriculture on water quality, specifically how agricultural runoff contributes to microbial and nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorus) pollution, and impacts macroinvertebrate communities (an ecological indicator for overall ecological integrity).

Assistant Professor Aiello-Lammens Awarded DEC Grant

Assistant Professor Aiello-Lammens Awarded DEC Grant

Assistant Professor and MS in Environmental Science director Matthew Aiello-Lammens, PhD, and former DCISE Senior Fellow John Cronin received a grant from the Department of Environmental Conservation to help understand the role of culverts in facilitating amphibian and reptile habitat connectivity in our region.